Manufacturer of PVC products | Huming PVC Co Ltd


We are KEBS Certified and our International Affiliated Partners Help us to Abide by International Standards of Quality.


What You See is the Same as What You Get!


We Work With a Team of Consultants Spread Out Across the World to Ensure We Continually Bring New Products and Designs that Cater to Changing Tastes and Needs.

Contractors and Architects

You have a client that you want to impress and properly manage

Interior Designers

You want to the final results of the project to wow the client and get you more business?

Property Managers and Home Owners

In need of high performance, easy to maintain and highly durable PVC building product?

Electrical, Plumbers and Network Installers

You have a project that involves piping and you need highly durable PVC pipes?


You want to become part of our growing list of distrbutors?

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Company Achievements

All our PVC products are full recycable


All of our Products have been certified by the Kenya Bureau of Standards

We have grown organically all through the years by relying on referrals from our satisfied clients.